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The UN Sustainable Development Goals: time is running out

Halfway to the 2030 deadline for hitting the Sustainable Development Goals, we're only on track to meet 12% of its targets*.

What can you do?
17 icons each depicting one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals

What are the Sustainable Development Goals?

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a worldwide call-to-action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. The 17 goals cover areas including economic inequality, innovation, sustainable consumption, peace and justice. They are interconnected: often the key to success for one will involve tackling issues more commonly associated with another.

Halfway to 2030, we are nowhere near halfway to achieving the SDGs. It’s time for the UK Government to show global leadership and take decisive action to put us back on track.

ICAEW, The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, The Chartered Banker Institute, The London Institute of Banking & Finance, The Chartered Institute of Public Finance & Accountancy, The Chartered Insurance Institute, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland, CFA Society, Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment, The Association of Corporate Treasurers and The Association of International Accountants
The UK houses of parliament

Our open letter to the UK Government

The world's leading accountancy and finance bodies, including ICAEW, are urging the UK Government to take transformative action to achieve the SDGs and secure our collective future.

Read the letter
Protest placards at a march

ICAEW among organisations urging action on SDGs

Halfway to the 2030 deadline to meet the SDGs, the UN reports just 12% progress and an open letter urges the UK Prime Minister to take action.

Read the article

What can you do?

As an individual

One place to start is to consider which of the SDGs you're most interested in. What matters to you most? Use that SDG as your entry point. Consider which other SDGs yours depends on for success, and begin to think of ways to contribute to all of these.

As an organisation

You might want to consider running an interactive workshop on the SDGs: a great way to engage stakeholders and staff in the SDGs and drive them into an organisation’s strategy.

This workshop has been run with approximately 4500 people around the world. It's designed for up to 150 participants to work in groups of 5-10 people, in businesses of all sizes, schools, universities and wider organisations.

If you’re planning an SDG workshop and would like some advice, get in touch.

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*According to the UN Secretary-General António Guterres on 23 April 2023, the SDG Progress Report shows that just 12% of the Sustainable Development Goal targets are on track.

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