Consultations and representations
ICAEW makes representations to policymakers and regulators on behalf of the accountancy profession explaining how changes to policy and legislation will impact day-to-day practice. Read the latest ICAEW representations and view details of open consultations ICAEW will be responding to.
Budget reaction
Read ICAEW's analysis of the Chancellor's announcements, as well as ICAEW's pre-budget letters and representations to the government.
ICAEW's vision for a resilient UK
The UK faces major decisions about the shape and direction of its future economy. ICAEW's manifesto draws on the insights and expertise of our members in making a call to action for the government. It sets out our vision for a resilient future UK economy that is: productive, highly skilled, sustainable, innovative, resilient, trustworthy and leading on trade.
European policy priorities
Building on our presence in Brussels for more than 25 years, we engage closely with other European professional institutes, policy makers and stakeholders, ensuring that ICAEW is at the centre of the conversations that matter to the profession globally.
ICAEW Member Insights
Views, opinions and experiences from our ICAEW members. These insights are used to help shape ICAEW content and inform policy positions and recommendations.