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Trustee Training Modules

This course is free to access

ICAEW’s online training modules provide an overview of charity trustees’ legal and financial responsibilities and their strategic and operational considerations.

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Course overview

The training was created with experts from the charity sector, including the Charity Commission for England and Wales, NCVO, the Cranfield Trust, the Centre for Charity Effectiveness (Bayes Business School) and the Honorary Treasurers Forum and charity specialist Sally Knight.

Suitable for both trustees looking to consolidate their knowledge or those considering taking on their first role


Optional multiple-choice assessment at the end of the training to test your learning and claim your certificate


Video presentations to introduce each module and highlight the key learning points


Case studies to help you consider how to apply your learning in your trustee role


Suggestions for further reading and helpful links

The six modules

  1. Legal responsibilities
  2. Managing Board Dynamics
  3. Financial Responsibilities
  4. Planning for Success and Impact
  5. Risk Management
  6. Managing Relationships

Benefits of learning

This self-directed programme provides a learning space where you can explore the knowledge and skills required to be an effective charity trustee through a range of reading materials, video recordings, reflective activities, and an optional assessment at the end of the training. The estimated learning time is 4-6 hours depending on prior knowledge and existing trustee experience.


Course fees

This course is free to access. Create your ICAEW account for free before enrolling.
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Professional development
Charity Trustees CPD Course

To support charity trustees meet their new CPD requirements ICAEW has created a two-part training course.

Start the course Understand your CPD requirements