Frequently asked questions about professional development.
- What is professional development?
- How do I record my professional development progress?
- How often should I record my professional development progress?
- Can my employer or principal view my professional development progress?
- Is professional development linked to the exams?
- My organisation has their own professional skills development programme. Do I have to complete that and the ICAEW scheme too?
- What resources are available to help me to develop my professional skills?
- How do I prepare for my six-monthly review?
- What is discussed at my six-monthly review?
- Do I or my employer sign off my professional development progress?
- What happens if I don’t complete the professional development requirement of the ACA before the end of my training agreement? Can I complete it at a later date?
Student support team
The student support team is here to help. We recommend that you contact us via our Live Chat or chatbot Mia first. Our telephone support line is open 9-5 Monday - Friday exc. Wednesday 10-5 (UK time) Closed - UK statutory & public holidays.