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False Assurance ®

An exciting training film created to facilitate thought-provoking discussions about how accountants, auditors and company directors should act when faced with difficult situations.

Film reel
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You may be able to watch the film via an ICAEW screening. Please check our events page to see if there are any upcoming screenings.

About the film

False Assurance is a high quality, exciting film that will prompt discussions on many issues, including:

  • How to deal with difficult relationships and how to navigate ethical dilemmas.
  • The need for quality checking and the right way to interrogate information.
  • The robustness of controls around approval of suppliers and agents.
  • The evaluation of cyber security risks.
  • Technical issues such as the valuation of intangible assets.
  • The reliability of internal investigations.
  • Risk management, efficient working methods and the importance of strong leadership.

What are people saying about False Assurance

Case study


Richard Cartwright
Richard Cartwright Principal Teaching Fellow in Accounting, University of Southampton

False Assurance and Without Question opens students’ eyes to what the world of accounting looks like and the decisions and tests of character that may face them in their future careers.

David Chitty
David Chitty International Accounting & Audit Director, Crowe Horwath International

False Assurance is realistic and contains powerful messages about a range of business and professional issues... The feedback we have received includes ‘best training I have ever attended’ and ‘film was excellent in promoting engaged discussion’.

Andy Kemp, Chairman, PwC Non-Executive Director programme
Andy Kemp Chairman, PwC Non-Executive Director programme

False Assurance is a high quality corporate training film which brings to life a number of topical board issues such as cyber security, impairment, executive remuneration and fraud. The film also provides a platform to facilitate discussion of board and committee practices and behaviours, including interaction with the external auditors.

Vijay Mistri
Vijay Mistri CEO Rentadirector

From revealing governance concerns to exposing the risks faced by any company in modern society, False Assurance is an eye opening short film that delivers invaluable insights to help board members develop their critical judgement and ethical decision making.

John Hourican
John Hourican Group Chief Executive Officer, Bank of Cyprus

The training was a present reminder of the need for an appropriate balance of skills and the suppression of ego in the Board Room. The video was realistic and generated a good discussion. Extremely helpful.

Elin Hurvenes
Elin Hurvenes Professional Boards Forum AS, Founder & Chair

False Assurance offers the framework for unique training workshops. It provides the opportunity for aspiring NEDs to develop their skills in readiness for FTSE board roles. This film breaks the traditional training mould by providing the prospect to discuss key issues and appropriate actions.

Further resources

All Too Familiar ™

All Too Familiar is ICAEW’s third training film. It explores the degree of trust still placed in personal and professional relationships and whether trust is enough in the fight against economic crime.

Magnify glass
Without Question ®

Without Question is ICAEW’s second training film. It provides an impactful and interesting way to highlight the challenges of directors and professional advisors seeking assurance on difficult issues.

Film reel
ICAEW training films

ICAEW training films provoke discussions and challenge mindsets about how to deal with difficult decisions and topical issues in business situations.

Area 17 logo
Area 17

ICAEW training films are written by ICAEW and produced by Area 17 www.area17.co.uk.