ICAEW’s online register of Forensic specialists
ICAEW’s online register of Forensic specialists was, until 2016, a useful source for those seeking a chartered accountant to act as a forensic accountant, expert witness or to give background advice as a shadow expert. Those on the register had passed the stringent requirements to become accredited under the ICAEW scheme before its closure in 2016 having then demonstrated the necessary standard of experience and competence. Please note that this register is not currently maintained. Applying for accreditation was at all times voluntary and there may be other accountants of equal expertise and competence who will not be on this register.
Forensic specialisation key
CO - Commercial disputes |
CR - Criminal defence |
Fraud and regulatory specialists
Name | Organisation | Contact details | Specialism |
Ballamy, Mark | Ballamy LLP | T:+44 (0)2037 059 945 E:mark@ballamy.co.uk |
CO, CR, FI, MI, VL |
Britten, Kathryn | AlixPartners | T: +44 (0)2073 325 058 E: kbritten@alixpartners.com |
CO, CR, ED, FI, IC, MI, PI, PN, VL |
Cherry, Ian | A I Cherry LTD Chartered Accountants | T:+44 (0)1772 201 015 E:ian@aicherry.co.uk A:A I Cherry Limited, 26 Winckley Square, Preston, PR1 3JJ |
CO, CR, ED, FI, IC, MI, PI, PN, TI, VL |
Cohen, Vivian | Frenkels Chartered Accountants | T:+44 (0)2084 572 929 E:vivian.cohen@frenkels.com |
CO, CR, ED, FI, IC, MI, PI, PN, TI, VL |
Cook, David | DRC Forensics Ltd | T:+44 (0)1275 390 407 E:david@drcforensics.co.uk A:DRC Forensics Limited, Kestrel Court, Harbour Road, Portishead, BS20 7AN |
CO, CR, ED, FI, IC, MI, PI, PN, VL |
Cowen, Nicholas | Francis Clark | T:+44 (0)1752 301 010 E:nsc@francisclark.co.uk A:Francis Clark LLP, North Quay House, Sutton Harbour, Plymouth, PL4 0RA |
CO, CR, FI, IC, MI, PI, PN, VL |
des Forges, Samantha | E&Y LLP | T:+44 (0)2079 047 720 E:samdesforges@hotmail.co.uk |
CO, DF, FI, IC, MI, PN, VL |
Doxey, Paul | Dagger Forensics LLP | T:+44 (0)2079 479 650 E:pauldoxey@btopenworld.com A:Dagger Forensics LLP, Warnford Court, 29 Throgmorton Street, London, EC2N 2AT |
FI, VL, CO, CR |
Fanshawe, Michael | BTG Global Risk Partners | T:+44 (0)1618 371 850 E:mike.fanshawe@btg-globalriskpartners.com A:BTG Global Risk Partners, 340 Deansgate, Manchester, M3 4LY |
CO, CR, DF, FI, IC, MI, PI, VL |
Fernandes, José | CF Forensics | T:+44 (0)7980618460 E:jose@cfforensics.co.uk |
CO, CR, ED, FI, MI, PN, VL |
Forbes, Thayne | Intangible Business Ltd | T:+44 (0)2070 899 236 E:thayne.forbes@intangiblebusiness.com |
CO, ED, FI, IC, MI, PN, VL |
Frenkel, John | Frenkels Forensic Chartered Accountants | T:+44 (0)2084 572 929 E:john.frenkel@frenkels.com |
CO, CR, ED, FI, IC, MI, PI, PN, TI, VL |
Hain, Graham | RSM Tenon | T:+44 (0)2070 158 747 E:grahamhain@hotmail.com |
CO, CR, ED, FI, IC, MI, PN |
Handley, Philip | HSKS Greenhalgh | T:+44 (0)1159 859 517 E:philip.handley@hsksgreenhalgh.co.uk A:HSKS Greenhalgh Limited, 3rd Floor, Butt Dyke House, 33 Park Row, Nottingham, NG1 6EE |
CO, ED, FI, MI, PN, TI, VL |
Harding, Sid | Ballamy LLP |
T:+44 (0)2037 059 945 E:sid@ballamy.co.uk |
CO, CR, FI, MI, VL |
Hine, Christopher | RSM Tenon | T:+44 (0)1618 304 099 E:chris.hine@bakertilly.co.uk A:Baker Tilly Restructuring & Recovery LLP, 3 Hardman Street, Manchester, M3 3HF |
CO, CR, ED, FI, IC, MI, PI, PN, VL |
Humphreys, John | RSM Tenon | T:+44 (0)1618 304 067 E:john.humphreys@bakertilly.co.uk A:Baker Tilly Restructuring & Recovery LLP, 3 Hardman Street, Manchester, M3 3HF |
CO, CR, ED, FI, IC, MI, PI, PN, VL |
Isaacs, Roger | Milsted Langdon | T:+44 (0)1179 452 500 E:risaacs@milsted-langdon.co.uk A:Milsted Langdon LLP, 1 Redcliff Street, Bristol, BS1 6NP |
CO, CR, ED, FI, MI, PI, PN, VL |
Jenkins, Russel | KTS Owens Thomas Limited | T:+44 (0)2920 829 000 E:russellj@ktsowensthomas.com |
CO, CR, ED, FI, IC, MI, PI, PN, TI, VL |
Kwan, Corinna | IIndependent Commission Against Corruption | T:+852 2826 4100 E:corinnaktc@gmail.com |
FI |
Lindsay, Noel | Financial Investigations Limited | T:+44 (0)7801 216 575 E:noel@financialinvestigations.co.uk |
CO, CR, FI, TI, MI, VL |
Maclay, Andrew | BDO LLP | T:+44 (0)2078 933 487 E:andrew.maclay@bdo.co.uk |
CO, CR, ED, FI, IC, PN, VL |
Makin, Chris | Chris Makin Mediator | T:+ 44 (0)1924 495 888 E:chris@chrismakin.co.uk |
CO, CR, ED, FI, IC, MI, PI, PN, VL |
Martin, Kerry | Smith & Williamson LLP | T:+44 (0)2071 318 895 E:kerry.martin@smithandwilliamson.com |
CO, CR, ED, FI, MI, PN, TI, VL |
Mills, Laurence | BDO LLP | T:+44 (0)1213 526 200 E:laurence.mills@bdo.co.uk A:BDO LLP, 125 Colmore Row, Birmingham, B3 3SD |
CO, CR, ED, FI, MI, PI, PN, VL |
Murray, Kenneth | SCDEA | T:+44 (0)1236 818 918 E:kenneth.murray@scdea.pnn.police.uk |
CR, ED, FI, VL |
Parry, Robert | RSM Restructuring Advisory LLP | T:+44 (0)1618 304 000 E:robert.parry@rsmuk.com A:RSM Restructuring & Recovery LLP, 3 Hardman Street, Manchester, M3 3HF |
CO, CR, ED, FI, IC, MI, PI, PN, VL |
Pearson, Gavin | Quantuma LLP | T: +44 (0)20 3856 6720 E: gavin.pearson@quantuma.com A: Quantuma LLP, 52-54 High Holborn, London, WC1V 6RL |
CO, CR, ED, FI, IC, MI, PI, PN, VL |
Saville, Rafi | H W Fisher & Co | T:+44 (0)2078 747 967 E:rsaville@hwfisher.co.uk |
CO, CR, ED, FI, MI, PI, PN, VL |
Smith, Peter | Quantis | T:+44 (0)1670 511 999 E:peter@forensic-accountants.co.uk |
CO, CR, ED, FI, IC, MI, PI, PN, VL |
Spence, Brain | Montpelier Professional (Manchester) Ltd | T:+44 (0)1613 003 451 E:brian@btmrlimited.co.uk |
CO, CR, FI, MI, PI, PN, VL |
Stevenson, Gordon | RSM Tenon | T:+44 (0)2073 325 144 E:gstevenson@zolfocooper.eu A:Zolfo Cooper LLP, 10 Fleet Place, London, EC4M 7RB |
CO, CR, FI, IC |
Tan, Mavis | FTI Consulting (Asia) Limited | T:+852 6181 2110 E:mavis.wg.tan@gmail.com |
CO, CR, ED, FI, IC, MI, PN, VL |
Taylor, Mark | Navigant | T:+44 (0)2070 158 714 E:mark.pj.taylor@navigant.com |
CO, CR, ED, FI, IC, MI, PI, PN, VL |
Zakariya, Adnan | Protiviti | T:+965 9405 3046 E:adnan.zakariya@protivitiglobal.com.kw A:Zakariya & Company, Al Shaheed Tower, 4th Floor, Khaled Ben Al Waleed Street, PO Box 1773, Safat 13018 Kuwait |
FI |