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Media Relations

Our Media Relations team can be contacted for comment, opinion and information on issues affecting the accountancy profession, business and the wider economy.

Our spokespeople regularly share their knowledge, insight and expertise on a variety of topics ranging from personal finance, taxation and professional standards through to audit, skills and qualifications, and technology.

Visit our contact us area

If you are a chartered accountant or a member of the public, please visit our Contact us area.

Corporate, UK, Europe and International

You can contact the Media Relations team on +44 (0)7866 853 841, +44 (0)7970 402 073, +44 (0)7557 161 315, or +44 (0)7918 767 822.

Alternatively, you can reach us by email if you would prefer: media.office@icaew.com.

Out of hours please call +44 (0)7557 161 315.

Middle East

Louise Mezzina

Tel: +971 50 3438223

Email: louise@mojo-me.com

Southeast Asia

Amy Tee

Head of Marketing, Greater China & Southeast Asia

Tel: +65 6407 1527

Email: amy.tee@icaew.com