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Better Government Series

Public finances – Europe and International

Author: ICAEW

Published: 19 Feb 2013

As national economies have developed, so the management of public finances has become more complex. In the resources below, we explore the issues around public spending across Europe and around the world.

Reports and other materials

Global Financial Stability and Public Debt

December 2017

Sustainable Public Finances: Intergenerational Fairness

May 2017

Public Finances in Practice – Insights from senior European public finance professionals 

February 2017 

Better government finances: the role of information design

November 2016

Sustainable Public Finances - EU Perspectives: 7 Key Insights

November 2016, Brussels

The value of audit insights

February 2016, Brussels

How can governments achieve more with less?

May 2015, Brussels

Trust in public finances

December 2014

Government Accountability and Reporting: Citizens’ Attitudes and Financial Markets Scrutiny

9 December 2014, Brussels

Ten key insights

24 June 2014, Brussels

Democratic accountability and fiscal sustainability

13 November 2013, Brussels

Views from international organisations

24 September 2013, Brussels

Regional and central government perspectives

23 April 2013, Brussels

Public sector finances – challenges ahead

22 January 2013, Brussels 

For further information on the Sustainable Public Finances – EU perspectives initiative please contact europe@icaew.com

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