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Consultations and representations

ICAEW makes representations to policymakers and regulators on behalf of the accountancy profession explaining how changes to policy and legislation will impact day-to-day practice. Here you can read the latest ICAEW representations, as well as those from previous years, view details of the open consultations that ICAEW will be responding to, and learn about any consultations related to ICAEW itself.

Representations and technical guidance in progress

View and contribute to consultations from government bodies, regulators and standards setters to which we are responding.
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Desk with reading glasses laid on top of a document

Regulatory consultations

As an improvement regulator, the Professional Standards Department (PSD) will initiate and respond to consultations on issues that relate to our regulatory responsibilities. We invite the views of the ICAEW members and the individuals and firms regulated/supervised by ICAEW, consumers of accountancy services and other stakeholders.
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Empty boardroom table

Latest representations