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The Foundation is making a real difference to the lives of aspiring, talented and ambitious young people by helping them overcome the financial barriers to becoming future professionals in accountancy and finance.

We look to all of our members - individuals and firms - as every gift, no matter how small will work to make a difference. Your help is needed to reach our goal and to ensure we can continue to support young people across the UK and in developing economics to have the career you did.

  • A gift of £1000 will cover course materials and exam fees for a student in Malawi for one year of their three years of study towards a chartered accountancy qualification.
  • £12,000 supports a student in a UK university right up until they obtain their degree in accountancy and finance.
  • £5,000 supports a student for one year towards obtaining the new professional chartered accountancy qualification in Lesotho – covering subsistence and all course materials and exam fees.

ICAEW is covering all fundraising costs, which means that all of your gift will go directly towards the Foundation's objectives.

Donate by Direct Debit or make a one off gift

You can donate to the foundation by setting up regular payment via Direct Debit or by making a one-off gift.

Other ways of giving

For information about giving shares or corporate gifts please contact the Foundation directly.

When renewing your ICAEW membership

ICAEW members have the option of including a donation to ICAEW Foundation when renewing their annual membership on the online member renewal donation.

Gift Aid

The most tax-effective method of charitable giving in the UK is through Gift Aid. If you are a basic rate taxpayer, for every £1 you donate, the ICAEW Foundation can claim 25p from HM Revenue and Customs. All you need to do is complete the Gift Aid declaration overleaf. Higher rate taxpayers can claim additional tax relief on the gross value of their gift. To qualify for Gift Aid you must pay UK income tax or capital gains tax equal to the amount the ICAEW Foundation claims in the relevant tax year.

Registered Charity No 313983

Contact the Foundation

To discuss how you can become involved with and support ICAEW Foundation, get in touch.

Donate to ICAEW Foundation

PDF (90kb)

Pledge form for making a single gift or regular donation.
