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  • Admitted to ICAEW: 1995
  • Joined Council: 2017
  • Member in business and sustainability


David joined the Bouygues Group in the UK 21 years ago as a newly qualified Chartered Accountant.

During this time, David moved across the group, working in a number of different industries such as waste management and building services. He became Financial Director of the Facilities Management business in 2001 and later moved to the role of Chief Operating Officer, before becoming Managing Director in 2009. David was appointed CEO for Bouygues Energies and Services in January 2016, leading our FM, M&E Contracting, Infrastructure and Energy business in the UK.

Declaration of Interests

Membership of, or interests in, formal bodies or groups, including other professional bodies


Membership of ICAEW Council, ICAEW Boards and other ICAEW Committees

  • Council
  • Member in business and sustainability

Partnerships, Directorships or beneficial interests in companies


Professional or social relationships with individuals who have business relationships or who compete with ICAEW


Any other matters you feel should be identified


David Carr