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Shape the future of the profession

Applications are now closed

Why apply?

These appointments provide opportunities for you to input into our supervision, qualification, services to members and our policy voice. By applying to join a board or committee you can help us chart the future of the profession – from equipping members in the skills to deliver sustainability to ensuring the profession builds trust and confidence.

Make your voice heard

Share your insights and experience on the topics that matter most to you. Our committee applications are open to everyone.


Support the profession

Take part in promoting the interests of our members, the next generation of accountants and the public.


Define our future

Guide our strategy as we work towards building a world of sustainable economies.

About the roles

We are recruiting for volunteers across all our boards and committees. These are for individuals looking to make a contribution to the wider profession by using their unique experiences and perspective to inform and shape our policies.

Full role profiles for each position we are recruiting are available on the committee and board subpages below.

What you can expect:

  • Share insights and expertise to help other members and the profession.
  • Meet fellow ICAEW members in the same field as you.
  • Time commitment of 2-10 days a year.
  • Meet in-person or virtual attendance possible for the majority of meetings.

Who we are looking for

Our boards and committees work best with a diversity of insights.

We welcome applications from:

  • Individuals at any stage in their career, including newly qualified, career-breakers and recent retirees.
  • Individuals from any accountancy background across all specialisms and sectors.
  • Both ICAEW members and non-members.

What are the ICAEW boards and committees?

Information about ICAEW's various boards and committees is available below. These advisory groups provide invaluable expert insight and knowledge to develop ICAEW policy and work.

London skyline

Reputation and Influence

These boards and committees guide our work interacting with regulators, and government. We also ensure that our technical thinking, guidance and advice for our members is high-quality, reliable and relevant.

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Hands over board game pieces

Belonging and Supporting

Our Belonging and Supporting committees and boards provide essential insight and perspective on matters that affect our members, to help us to understand their needs and to ensure that our support is focused.

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Education and Training

We are committed to educating the chartered accountants of tomorrow, with a focus on building sustainable cohorts of future business and professional leaders. We work with universities, schools and other educational establishments to support recruitment activity for employers and our commitment to social mobility.

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Target with arrows in the bullseye


Our Governance committees support ICAEW Board and Council to ensure ICAEW meets our Charter objectives and to manage the affairs and business of ICAEW.

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Outside Chartered Accountants Hall

Regulatory and Disciplinary Committees

Our regulatory and disciplinary committees oversee ICAEW’s Professional Standards Department’s activity in its role as an improvement regulator. They oversee applications to carry out regulated work, monitor compliance with regulatory requirements, oversee disciplinary cases to maintain professional conduct and help to shape the regulatory landscape.

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A key reason I enjoy working on ICAEW committees is the ability to share ideas and learn from other professionals – this has been a huge benefit of being on the Economic Crime Sub-committee. Another is the opportunity to assist in shaping guidance and policy, which is part of the evolution of the profession.

Angela Foyle, Head of Risk Management and Economic Crime, BDO

Meet the Chairs

Pippa Glover
Philippa Glover Chair of the ICAEW Members & Commercial Board and Deputy Finance Director (Assurance), University Of Warwick.

Christabel Cowling
Christabel Cowling Chair of the Technical Strategy Board and Audit Partner, Head of Regulatory and Public Policy, EY LLP

Sotiris Kroustis
Sotiris Kroustis Chair of the Education and Training Board and Audit Partner, Head of Public Policy, PwC LLP

Matthew Stroh
Dr Matthew Stroh Chair of ICAEW Council and Head of Audit Professional Standards, Audit, Grant Thornton UK LLP