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Financial Reporting Committee

Corporate Reporting Faculty Board

About the committee

The Financial Reporting Committee (FRC) is responsible for the development of ICAEW policy on corporate reporting issues and ensures that ICAEW works in the public interest to influence national and international legislators, regulators and standard setters.

The Committee is chaired by Jake Green, Partner, KPMG, and comprises a broad balance of preparers and users of financial statements, including members in practice, industry, public sector, academia and SMEs.

Developing corporate reporting policy

The FRC is responsible for the development of ICAEW policy on corporate reporting issues and ensures that ICAEW works in the public interest to influence national and international legislators, regulators and standard setters.

The Committee comprises a broad balance of preparers and users of financial statements, including members in practice, industry, the public sector, academia and SMEs. It comments on discussion papers, exposure drafts and other consultation documents issued by national and international legislators, regulators and standard setters. Where appropriate a response to these papers is first formulated by a working party comprising members of the Committee and others with relevant experience before being considered and approved by FRC.

Volunteers for working parties and member views on proposals are always welcome. Please email crfac@icaew.com with your suggestions.

The FRC may also carry out proactive projects on emerging corporate reporting issues and is consulted on the Faculty’s thought leadership programmes.

We are always interested to hear member views on emerging corporate reporting issues. If you wish to comment on the agenda or any of the open consultations that FRC is discussing, please email crfac@icaew.com.

Leadership team

Jake Green FCA Committee Chair

Partner, KPMG

Andrew Watchman FCA Deputy Chair

Director, Grant Thornton

Board member About Contact
Andrea Allocco Partner, PwC LinkedIn
Anthony Appleton BA ACA Partner, BDO LinkedIn
Phil Barden ACA Partner, Deloitte LinkedIn
Jo Clube ACA Director, Aviva Plc LinkedIn
Larissa Connor ACA Technical Director, EY  
Steve Cooper FCCA Consultant LinkedIn
Tom Hayes Partner, CFGI UK LinkedIn
Andrew Jones FCA CFA Head of Narrative and Sustainability Reporting, Forvis Mazars  LinkedIn
Catriona Lawrie ICAS Partner, Forvis Mazars LinkedIn
Liz Murrall FCA Non-Executive Director LinkedIn
Chris Nobes ACCA Professor, University of London LinkedIn
Tessa Park FCA Partner, Moore Kingston Smith LinkedIn
Dawn Percival FCA  Advisory Accountant, HMRC  
Ken Rigelsford FCA Consultant LinkedIn
Grant Robinson ACA Global Head of Business Accounting & Policy, Shell International LinkedIn
Matthew Stallabrass FCA Partner, Crowe UK LinkedIn
Danielle Stewart OBE FCA FCCA FRSA FAIA (Hons) Partner, RSM LinkedIn
Michael Stewart Senior Expert of Financial Reporting, Huawei Technologies LinkedIn

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