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Research Advisory Board

About the board

The Research Advisory Board is responsible for advising on the selection and funding of academic research and events from the PD Leake Trust. The committee comprises a mix of members and non-members, including experienced accounting academics with a history of publishing in leading academic research journals, and practitioners with an interest in academic research and its relevance to practice.

Leadership team

Andrew Hobbs Board Chair

Current vacancies

Position recruiting Specifications
Research Advisory Board Role profile

Current members

Board member Contact
Maria Correia LinkedIn
Alan Duboisée de Ricquebourg LinkedIn
Annita Florou LinkedIn
Dr Raveem Ismail LinkedIn
Tom Mather LinkedIn
Josie McLaren LinkedIn
Mario Menz LinkedIn 
Tristan Price LinkedIn
Sashi Sharma LinkedIn
Prof Javid Siddiqui LinkedIn
Shahzad Uddin LinkedIn
Bronwyn Williams LinkedIn

Useful resources

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