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Mind the gap

This event, held a year into the pandemic, examined where we are now for women in the workplace and what the impact has been, both positive and negative of the past year.

This event followed on from the ICAEW podcast, 11.9% - Mind The Gap, which looked at the gender pay gap and considered, a year into the pandemic, where are we now for women in the workplace.

Chair Marcia Dyce, Communities Manager, ICAEW, was joined by panellists Maria Karantoni, Board Member and Head of People, KPMG Cyprus; Laura Stewart-Smith, Head of Workplace Savings and Retirement, Aviva; and Caroline B Maile, Audit Assistant Manager, Grant Thornton in a discussion that ranged widely from the gender pension gap to the importance of having female role models in senior positions.

The panel discussed that, while there are worrying statistics coming out now about the impact of the pandemic on women in the workplace, there are also potential positive outcomes. The pandemic has brought together people’s roles in the workplace and their caring responsibilities, and it has shown that people are more than just an employee. The trends towards homeworking and increased flexibility could be a good thing for women at work, and it’s hard to see them going backwards now.

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