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Our leadership is built on our ability to shape and influence thinking on industry issues

Our leadership is built on our ability to shape and influence thinking on industry issues on behalf of our members and in the public interest. Working with government, government agencies, think tanks and forums we lead the debate, shape policy and protect the public interest.

Some of the initiatives we have undertaken

  • We are the only accounting body to participate at Davos.
  • We were a leading participant in the American Accounting Association Annual Meeting in Anaheim were we joined in debates on stakeholder perceptions of audit, integrity, and the changing face of the finance function.
  • We helped shape the 2008 Finance Bill.
  • We have met with governments in China, India and Bangladesh to discuss industry issues and share best practice.
  • On behalf of the Treasury, we chaired independent committees tasked with making recommending to the Chancellor a valuer for Northern Rock and Bradford and Bingley Building Societies.
  • We have engaged with the European Commission on greater public sector accountability and prepared an EU election manifesto.
  • We have made a recommendation to the G20 London Summit 2009 on how governments can restore economic confidence.