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Blockchain and cryptoassets

Blockchain promises to be a disruptive technology for the accountancy and auditing professions. Based on this revolutionary record-keeping technology, cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin have been grabbing headline attention for over a decade. But the questions of how accountants can work with them – whether advising, recording, or auditing on cryptocurrency and other crypto-assets such as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) – are still being explored. Here we collate useful information and resources on blockchain and cryptoassets.

In this section

Features and articles

The ABCD+ of technology: blockchain

The ACA syllabus uses the ‘ABCD’ acronym to summarise the most impactful emerging technologies. Here, we share an introduction to blockchain, and what accountants need to know.

Helpsheets and guidance

Webinars and recordings

Blockchain webinar series 2024

Accountants are increasingly coming across crypto assets and as they become more mainstream, it is important to be clear on the fundamentals of what they are and how they operate.

Cryptocurrency: Gains, Losses, IHT & Non-Doms

Obtain a clear, concise understanding from a tax barrister of the tax issues in cryptocurrency and taxation and understand clearly HMRC’s positions in relation to their crypto assets manual.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed by external guest speakers in interviews or other publications included on this website are, by their nature, those of the speaker. They are not necessarily fully endorsed by the ICAEW or purport to reflect the official policies and views of the ICAEW or its members.

The Library & Information Service provides a hand-picked collection of industry press articles as a benefit of membership. If you are unable to access an article, please see our Help and support or contact library@icaew.com

Distributed ledger technology: cutting through the paradox

Article discusses how distributed ledger technology (DLT) is expected to accelerate its transformation of the financial services industry but legal and regulatory frameworks for financial services have taken time to adapt. The author argues that it is essential that legal systems grappling with digital assets are mindful of the risks and pitfalls of inconsistency with other legal systems and a consistent application of governing law should be considered.

Blockchain implementation and cybersecurity

The article discusses the items that management teams and management accountants need to discuss, analyse, and stress-test with regard to blockchain implementation and cybersecurity.

Coin of the realm

The article discusses the startup firm Worldcoin, particularly its marketing of its cryptocurrency by exchanging the digital currency in exchange for biometric information in several countries. The article describes the scanning process, privacy issues, and Worldcoin's pledge to delete the information following the ability of its artificial intelligence (AI) neural network to detect fraud.

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International Standards for Automatic Exchange of Information in Tax Matters

This publication contains the Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework (CARF) and a set of amendments to the Common Reporting Standard (CRS), along with associated Commentaries and exchange of information frameworks (collectively referred to as the International Standards for Automatic Exchange of Information in Tax Matters), as approved by the OECD’s Committee on Fiscal Affairs over the course of 2022/2023.

Blockchain: Legal and regulatory guidance

2nd edition of the Law Society's report on blockchain. Covers a range of key issues for legal practitioners to be aware of when advising on distributed ledger technology (DLT) related matters. Includes the growing types and uses of DLTs and their implications on areas of litigation including smart contracts, data and governance, blockchain consortia, data protection, intellectual property rights, dispute resolution, competition, tax and ESG.

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* Some of the content on this web page was provided by the Chartered Accountants’ Trust for Education and Research, a registered charity, which owns the library and operates it for ICAEW.