Project Report: overview
The Project report is one of the two parts of the Level 7 apprenticeship end-point assessment. It will draw on the experience you gain during your apprenticeship, by seeking evidence to demonstrate the skills and behaviours you have developed and will focus on the final 12 months of your apprenticeship.
The second part of the end-point assessment is the ACA Advanced Level Case Study.
There are two sessions per year available for you to submit your Project Report. The dates align with the Case Study exam sessions which take place in August (Session 1) and November (Session 2). View the Key dates and deadlines below.
Please note that the guide for students document has been updated to clarify that Generative AI tools (such as Chat GPT) cannot be used to produce any part of your application.
Please note that when you apply for the end-point assessment, there is a requirement within the application process where you will need to confirm that you have passed the gateway review by the time you sit the exam. This confirmation will need to be given, so you can progress and finalise the application.
Guide and sample scripts
For more information on the skills and behaviours which are being assessed, guidance on how to answer each requirement and examiner top tips, view the Project Report guide and sample scripts.
For each exam session, we will release a template for you to complete. The template will appear on this page and it will indicate the skills and behaviours we are assessing in that session. It is essential you complete the template that we release for your session.
Save this page as a bookmark or make a note of the web link to navigate to the template as soon as it is released.
Key dates and deadlines
There are two sessions per year available for you to submit your Project Report. The dates align with the Case Study exam sessions which take place in July and November.
Key dates for the 2025 sessions are set out below and are included in this year's Level 7 apprenticeship planner.
July | November | |
Template released by ICAEW | Wednesday 30 April | Wednesday 13 August |
Submission window opens | Wednesday 25 June, 10:00 (UK-time) | Wednesday 8 October, 10:00 (UK-time) |
Submission window closes | Wednesday 30 July, 17:00 (UK-time) | Wednesday 12 November, 17:00 (UK-time) |
Results | Thursday 25 September | Thursday 8 January 2026 |
July | November | |
Template released by ICAEW | Wednesday 29 April | Wednesday 19 August |
Submission window opens | Wednesday 24 June, 10:00 (UK-time) | Wednesday 7 October, 10:00 (UK-time) |
Submission window closes | Wednesday 29 July, 17:00 (UK-time) | Wednesday 11 November, 17:00 (UK-time) |
Results | Thursday 10 September 2026 | Thursday 07 January 2027 |
What you need to do
Within your Project Report, you will need to describe situations where you have shown competence in the required skills and behaviours. You will also need to evaluate these skills and behaviours and describe the lessons you have learnt that could be applied in the future.
It’s not a timed or invigilated exam which means you can gain assistance from your training provider, or your colleagues in completing your Project Report. However, it must describe your own work. Once you have completed the Project Report, you will need to submit it to us for marking.
The Level 7 Accountancy Professional Apprenticeship Standard sets out ten required skills and behaviours. They are:
Skills | Behaviours |
Building relationships |
Adds value |
Business insight | Continuous improvement |
Communication | Flexibility |
Ethics and integrity | Professional scepticism |
Leadership | |
Problem solving and decision making |
Of these, all but Continuous improvement and Building relationships are also assessed in the Case Study exam. The end-point assessment is the combination of the Project Report and the Case Study exam. Therefore, the skills and behaviours will be assessed across the two exams, with some being covered in the Project Report and some in the Case Study exam.
The Project Report has four requirements to complete:
- Requirement 1 has two parts:
- Part (a) will always assess continuous improvement; and
- Part (b) will always assess building relationships.
- Requirement 2 seeks evidence for wither ethics and integrity, or professional scepticism - you should select a scenario in which you demonstrated either ethics and integrity or professional scepticism.
- Requirement 3 will assess an additional skill, selected at random by ICAEW at each session.
- Requirement 4 will assess an additional behaviour, selected at random by ICAEW at each session.
For each requirement, you will be asked to identify a situation from your practical work experience in which you demonstrated that particular skill or behaviour, and:
- describe the situation and your role/responsibilities;
- explain the actions you carried out, and how you demonstrated the skill/behaviour;
- evaluate how effective you were; and
- describe what lessons you learnt (that could be applied in the future).
How to submit your project report
You will be able to submit your Project Report if you have applied for, or previously sat the Case Study exam.
When you’re ready to submit your Project Report, you will do this in the same way as you apply for a Professional or Advanced Level exam. Log in to your online training file, go to the Examinations tab and click on ‘Apply for exams’. If you are eligible to submit your Project Report, it will be listed as an available assessment. Select Project Report and you will be prompted to upload it. Your Project Report will then be sent to us for marking.
To ensure examiners can view your Project Report during e-marking please:
- upload your Project Report in Word format;
- pay attention to the word count instructions on the cover page;
- do not delete the cover page;
- do not include your name or personal information anywhere in the document including headers and footers, other than on the cover sheet, where requested;
- do not change the formatting of the document (font size, page size);
- do not use any special characters in the file name; and
- do not password protect the document.
One of the best ways to check how your Project Report will be presented to an examiner for marking is to view the document in a ‘Print Preview’ mode. You will be able to verify that all contents of the Project Report appear as expected and that all content is readable, before you upload.
Please note that we reserve the right to contact your employer at any time to review and confirm that the content within your Project Report is a true representation of work undertaken.
Have a question?
If you have a question relating to the Project Report, your training provider will be able to help.