If you want to book an OnVUE remote invigilation exam and have an extra time access arrangement already in place with us please follow the instructions below.
- Call the Pearson VUE customer service team.
- Advise the customer service agent:
- The exam sponsor / programme name (ICAEW) and your ICAEW student ID number
- The name of the test you would like to book
- That you have a pre-approved time extension accommodation (access arrangement)
- You will need to provide payment at the time of booking, e.g. provide your payment card details or give a voucher code that your employer has given you
- The Pearson VUE representative may need to pass the request on to another team to complete the booking. If this is the case, please allow up to seven working days to receive a call back to discuss further or an email confirming your appointment has been booked. Please be patient and allow for possible delays.
If you have any queries please contact us.