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Student support

Exam systems status

Updated: 18 June 2024, 15:05 UK-time

This page displays the alerts, issues and updates which affect ACA and ICAEW CFAB students. Anything currently active will appear in the In Progress section, and anything no longer active will be moved to Resolved. Please make sure to keep checking this page for any ACA or ICAEW CFAB updates.

In progress

These are active alerts and updates. Should there be any unforeseen issues please be rest assured, we are working hard to resolve them.

12 June

Exam disruption appeal – June Professional Level exams

If you feel that your exam performance has been adversely affected by illness or other circumstances this week, please apply for the exam disruption appeal within seven days of your exam.

06 June

Exam software update - spell check

We want to inform you that there is currently an issue with the spell check option in our exams system. We have had to remove the spell check option for upcoming exams. Rest assured that we are actively working to resolve this and, importantly, you will not be penalised for any spelling or grammar errors. Please continue with your preparations as usual.


These alerts, issues and updates are no longer active and have been resolved.