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Level 7 Accountancy Professional Apprenticeship

Level up

Your journey to the ACA and the Level 7 Accountancy Professional Apprenticeship may have just begun, but we are here to make every step a success.

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The 4 key elements of the ACA

Students sat talking
Professional development

There are seven professional development ladders to complete. They will develop your communication skills as well as teamwork, decision making, problem solving and more. Record how you meet each skill and discuss them at each six-monthly review meeting.

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Students working at a table
Practical work experience

You will complete at least 450 days of practical work experience as part of your training agreement. This will provide you with an opportunity to put theory into practice, involving real-life work of financial, business or commercial nature.

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Two professionals talking
Ethics and professional scepticism

Develop your knowledge and behaviour and feel confident in decision making. Ethics underpins the ACA exams; you will need to complete the Ethics Learning Programme and discuss ethics scenarios as part of your six-monthly reviews.

Discover ethics
Man sat at laptop

There are many exams to study and pass and they are split over three levels - Certificate, Professional and Advanced. They focus on different aspects of accountancy, finance and business and complement the experience you will gain at work.

Book an exam
Two students walking together

Your apprenticeship requirements

Your employer is required to provide you with off-the-job training, within normal working hours. Once they confirm that you have passed the gateway review you will complete the exam and a project report for the end-point assessment.

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For your diary

Our handy planner contains all the key dates and deadlines for you to bookmark and regularly check.

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Student and mentor shaking hands

Six-monthly reviews

As a mandatory part of your training, your six-monthly reviews are important to gain approval for your practical work experience days, discuss your progress and feedback.

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Laptop showing student training file

Online training file

Your online training file is a record of your progress and development and must be updated every six months throughout your training.

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Office workers

UK Audit Qualification

Record your audit experience throughout your training, to work towards the Audit Qualification and becoming a UK statutory auditor. If you work for a firm of UK or EEA registered auditors start recording today,

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Profile of Ashwini

The soft skills are just as important as the spreadsheets.

Meet Ashwini

Ashwini has already started studying for the ACA and we are following her throughout her journey. Read her journey to date and keep an eye out for more to come.

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Student Roadmap

Use our template roadmaps to discover the key milestones on a typical student journey and chart your own progression.

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When it comes to student support, we're here to lend a helping hand throughout your journey with us.

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