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Nottingham Student Society

Nottingham’s Chartered Accountants Student Society is the official body that represents ACA students across Nottingham, Lincolnshire and Derby.

Upcoming events

Attending events provides an opportunity for you to build your social and professional network. Gain support during your studies through attending a variety of events including revision sessions, the annual ball and post-exam socials.

Find out more

Stay connected on social

Keep up to date with the latest news and events. Connect with fellow students in the area.

The 2023/2024 committee

Nottingham’s student society committee is formed by a group of student volunteers. The committee meet regularly to discuss matters that affect local ICAEW students. And organise a range of social and professional events throughout the year.

Executive committee roles

Each student society has an Executive Committee to steer its course and monitor activities. The structure of the committee varies between society.

Committee position Position holder
President Shared between Sarah Clarke and Charlotte Croft
Chair Rachel Lynch
Vice Chair Zoe Kirk
Secretary Abigail Holyland
ICAEW Student Council representative

Shared between Megan Carey-Smith and Khaleeq Rehman


Ben Monk 

Social media Helena Sale
Sports rep Shared between Lauren Blundell and Matthew Laurenti

Each year, new positions within the Executive Committee members are elected at the Annual General Meeting. General committee members are free to join at any time in the year.

Annual General Meeting August

Contact us

If organising events and having your say in issues that affect ICAEW students sounds like something you would enjoy, fill in this form  and a member of the team will be in touch

Using your personal information

The protection of personal privacy is an important concern to ICAEW. Any personal data collected will be treated in accordance with current data protection legislation. For more information about our data protection policy please go to icaew.com/dataprotection