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Further ICAEW qualifications

If you're looking to take the next step in your career, ICAEW offers a range of courses and qualifications that could support you in developing your skills.

Become a chartered accountant with the ACA

If you are wanting to pursue a career in accountancy you can qualify as an ICAEW Chartered Accountant by completing the ACA

The ACA is an internationally recognised professional qualification that requires students to complete at least three years' on-the-job training while passing a series of exams modules to demonstrate technical knowledge and professional skill. 

The ACA qualification is made up of four elements:

  • 450 days of practical work experience with an ICAEW authorised training employer.
  • 15 exam modules covering a broad range of topics including: financial management, law, assurance and business strategy.
  • Professional development – preparing you to successfully handle different situations that you’ll encounter throughout your career.
  • Ethics and professional scepticism – providing you with the skills to work under close scrutiny and be confident you are making the right decisions.

As a Business and Finance Professional, you have already completed some of the core requirements of the ACA qualification. The CFAB comprises the first six of the 15 ACA exam modules and you have completed the ICAEW Ethics Learning Programme. Your previous work experience may also count to the require 450 days required.

Specialist qualifications

ICAEW offer a range of qualifications allowing you to develop your skills in a specialist areas, including insolvency, corporate finance, and financial reporting.

ICAEW Certificate in Insolvency

The ICAEW Certificate in Insolvency is the most flexible learning programme for insolvency professionals in the UK. It’s equally beneficial for experienced and inexperienced professionals, as well as being suitable for legal, finance, and other professionals.

Corporate Finance Qualification

The Corporate Finance (CF) qualification is recognised around the world and establishes a high level of expertise across international markets. It is designed with a focus on the commercial, practical and technical skills demanded by major corporate and financial clients and investors.

ICAEW ISAs programmes

The ICAEW ISAs online learning and assessment programme is your route to a better understanding of the ISAs and the audit process.