Higher education institutions that engage with ICAEW through activities such as graduate recruitment, credit for prior learning (CPL) and purchase or use of our learning materials can apply for recognition as an ICAEW Partner in Learning.
We aim to provide ICAEW Partners in Learning (PiLs) with unrivalled support and we continue to review our processes, resources, and guidance available to you to ensure that it is of the highest standard. The Partner in Learning scheme is all about taking pride in building and maintaining life-long professional relationships and at the same time preserving a culture that is open and transparent so that there is always a platform for you to communicate with ICAEW.
As a Partner in Learning you will gain access to a wide variety of resources and support from ICAEW. You will also gain access to the Partner in Learning hub on the ICAEW website, inclusion on the Partner in Learning list on our website with a link to your university/programme, access to use the Partner in Learning logo on your website and an invitation to the annual HEI Conference held in July.
We take pride in the fact that we publish our own learning materials and, as an ICAEW PiL, you get free of charge reference PDF copies. You can use these learning materials to plan and prepare courses or present in your classroom whilst teaching. These learning materials are for reference so not to be distributed to students. If you would like access to our learning material shared folder, you will need to be a Partner in Learning, the access to the shared folder is shared with the main contact for your institute and they can then forward these on to the relevant staff.
To find out more information on Partner in Learning or to check if your institute is a registered Partner in Learning please check here.
If you would like to apply to become a Partner in Learning, the application form can be found here.
Any further questions please reach out via email to aidan.ward-hendry@icaew.com.