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Academia & Education Community

Reflections from the Chair and Vice Chair

Author: Jenni Rose and Toby York

Published: 13 Mar 2025

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With nearly 18,000 of us now part of this Community, we want to let you know about changes to our advisory group and share some insights from our conversations.

Our recent webinar on ethics was well attended and had some of the most enthusiastic feedback we’ve seen. Professor Chris Cowton provided a fascinating theoretical context and made a persuasive case for teaching ethics. This was supported by practical examples you can use in the classroom, and an overview from ICAEW of the new Sustainability and Ethics module coming later this year. You can access the recording using the link below:

Our recent meeting revealed what many of you are likely experiencing firsthand. In our candid bellwether discussion, a common thread emerged around grade inflation and the pressures many of us feel from students expecting high marks. Given what students invest financially, the increase in online learning, and a general sense of disconnection, these expectations aren’t surprising – but they do create real tensions for educators committed to maintaining standards

We also discussed how to encourage students to use technology ethically, particularly the challenges of navigating generative AI and its implications for assessment. As many of us are wrestling with similar questions, we are organising a webinar on developing authentic assessments that maintain academic integrity while acknowledging these new realities.

We also acknowledged the financial strain affecting many institutions, with declining applications and enrolments creating genuine concern and uncertainty for academics. While we don’t have the answer, we’re exploring meaningful ways to support one another through these challenges. Sometimes just knowing you’re not facing these issues alone can help – though we’re committed to finding more tangible support too.

On a brighter note, we discussed how to grow the Academia & Education Community and make it more useful to you. We want to collaborate with and hear from other accountancy education groups. Working together will ultimately create better outcomes for both the profession and our students.

Finally, we are seeking a research-focused member of the advisory group. This rewarding role offers valuable insights into accounting education and an opportunity to support our community. If you want to learn more or express interest, please contact sophie.hickson@icaew.com.

*the views expressed are the author’s and not ICAEW’s
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