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Global Trade Community webinars and recordings

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The information in these webinars reflects the understanding of ICAEW at the time of recording but things may have changed since that time. You should consult the latest guidance alongside a viewing of these on-demand webinars.

Community webinars

Event Date Recording
Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and EU Deforestation Regulation, (EUDR): it’s time to act
Learn how CBAM and EUDR will work and affect UK businesses.
11 February 2025
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Exploring export markets: Insights from Amazon, Orbex and Boden
Hear how selling via a marketplace such as Amazon can turbo-charge selling internationally to both consumer and businesses. The options of direct sales or fulfilment centres and some of the complexities to consider in markets such as the USA.
15 November 2024
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Treasury management best practice: identifying and managing foreign exchange risk
Set a winning budget rate for 2025: insights from leading CFOs and FX experts.
7 November 2024
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Geo-politics and FX risk in your business
Discover how to manage geo-political events and foreign exchange risks to protect your business.
15 October 2024
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Navigating the transition from CHIEF to CDS
Join this informative webinar where we’ll discuss the changes expected when fully migrating from CHIEF to CDS and cover topics such as: how to access the Customs Declaration Service, the new data elements your customs agent may ask for, setting up payments on CDS, and how to ensure a seamless transition.
8 February 2024
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Breaking borders: game-changing strategies for international sales
Unlocking international growth potential by mastering tax compliance.
9 November 2023
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Compliance matters: Cross-border tax and customs strategies
This webinar brings together experts from Avalara to help you make sense of it all, providing a tax and customs update for businesses selling internationally.
28 June 2023
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Trading Internationally: An Export 101
Everything you need to know about the current exporting requirements for the EU and beyond.
28 February 2023
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How to sell into the USA  Top practical tips
Join Avalara’s sales tax experts and the British Consulate in New York to learn how to sell into the US successfully and achieve the American ecommerce dream.
27 September 2022
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How manufacturers can use Customs and VAT procedures to survive and flourish in a post-Brexit world
This webinar, in partnership with MHA, will provide scenarios that show how UK businesses can use the UK/EU Trade Agreement’s facilitations to minimise the impact of customs duties. Hear more on Rules of Origin, what UK business should have as evidence and how Freeports could be an option to facilitate trade and reduce customs obligations and duties.
4 July 2022
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The future of international trade: How to sell into new markets successfully
Hear the latest on new markets and opportunities for UK businesses
20 May 2022 Listen again
Customs and Tax Update – what UK exporters need to know
Learn about the major changes to customs controls and indirect tax, how to navigate them and find success in new markets.
22 March 2022
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How to keep your cross-border sales switched on in 2022
Gain insights into the key legislations from 2021 and the impact on retailers.
2 February 2022
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New trade routes: top tips for exporting to China
Thinking of exporting products or services to new markets such as China? Join our webinar to find out how.
23 September 2021
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Indirect tax issues in a post-Brexit trading environment
In this webinar, MHA trade and export experts look at the current challenges still facing UK businesses as they trade post Brexit.
1 September 2021
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Exporting: E-Commerce VAT changes in Europe: get ready for the new tax regime
Stay up to date with the changes that are happening with the introduction of the new distance selling VAT regime in July 2021. Understand what the risk areas are, the new rules and how the One Stop Shop operates in the EU.
27 May 2021
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Exporting post Brexit, a deeper dive into rules of origin
In this practical webinar our speakers share the latest guidance on how the rules work, tariffs, documentation and declarations required, potential penalties and how businesses are coping with added difficulties around global supply chains.
25 March 2021
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Post-Brexit exporting: practical tales from the front
Hear the real-life practicalities of moving goods across border, MHA McIntyre Hudson on accounting for them and Ian Macleod Distilleries on their experiences of actually doing it.
12 February 2021 Listen again
VAT changes in Europe
This webinar in partnership with MHA MacIntyre Hudson discusses the VAT changes in Europe and what this will mean for UK businesses alongside how to deal with the changes impacted by Brexit.
10 December 2020 Listen again
Taking the financial risk out of exporting
Settle any uncertainty around exporting by looking at the finance options available to you.
4 November 2020 Listen again
An Exporters Guide to Brexit
This webinar, in partnership with MHA MacInytre Hudson, delivers insights into various types of export supply chain scenarios and highlights areas that UK businesses must consider as part of their Brexit planning to avoid unnecessary delays or compliance failures.
20 October 2020 Listen again
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Demystifying exporting
Hear real life stories that will help you understand where to start and the potential pitfalls.
13 October 2020 Listen again

Other webinars

Event Date Recording
The EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)  what does it mean for UK businesses?
What will the EU's Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism mean for UK businesses exporting to the EU?
13 March 2024
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Made in the UK Mondays: Five UK companies on a mission to make it Big in America
Documentary series from the Department for Business and Trade (DBT). Hosted by Alex Polizzi, the five episodes feature a diverse range of bold and innovative SMEs from around the UK as they try to land their first US export deal, in New York.
12 & 26 September, 10 & 24 October, 7 November 2023
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Supply chain cyber security series
Your business is only as secure as its weakest link. Watch this series to understand and manage supply chain cyber security risk.
28 September - 2 November 2022
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Freeports: VAT and Customs
This webinar from the Tax Faculty will provide details of the potential VAT and duty benefits of operating within a Freeport area.
19 October 2022
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Department for Business & Trade webinars

Event Date Recording
BPDG / British Embassy Warsaw  Industry Day
Watch a recording of the BPDG / British Embassy Warsaw Industry Day. This webinar will outline the processes for moving goods between Great Britain (GB) and the EU, including the new GB procedures to be introduced from 1 January 2022 and 1 July 2022. The event provides practical details about moving goods between the EU and GB, covering procedures and systems at the borders and detail about new import requirements in GB. Please note that we experienced some issues with sound quality at the start of the event. The recording resumes normal audio quality at 6 minutes in.
20 October 2021
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BPDG / British Embassy The Hague – Industry Day
Watch a recording of the BPDG / British Embassy The Hague Industry Day. This webinar will outline the processes for moving goods between Great Britain (GB) and the EU, including the new GB procedures to be introduced from 1 January 2022 and 1 July 2022. The event provides practical details about moving goods between the EU and GB, covering procedures and systems at the borders and detail about new import requirements in GB. 
13 October 2021 Listen again
BPDG / British Embassy Berlin – Industry Day
Watch a recording of the BPDG / British Embassy Berlin – Industry Day. This webinar will outline the processes for moving goods between Great Britain (GB) and the EU, including the new GB procedures to be introduced from 1 January 2022 and 1 July 2022. The event provides practical details about moving goods between the EU and GB, covering procedures and systems at the borders and detail about new import requirements in GB.
7 October 2021 Listen again
BPDG / Nordic-Baltic British Embassies – Regional Industry Day
Watch a recording of the BPDG / Nordic-Baltic British Embassies – Regional Industry Day. This webinar will outline the processes for moving goods between Great Britain (GB) and the EU, including the new GB procedures to be introduced from 1 January 2022 and 1 July 2022. The event provides practical details about moving goods between the EU and GB, covering procedures and systems at the borders and detail about new import requirements in GB.
14 September 2021 Listen again
BPDG / British Embassy Warsaw – Poland agrifood readiness event
Watch a recording of the BPDG / British Embassy Warsaw – Poland agrifood readiness webinar which focuses on agri-food export, import and SPS control arrangements relating to the next phases of changes at the GB border. Please note that the recording was accurate as of the time of recording – 13 September 2021. On 14 September 2021, the UK Government outlined a pragmatic new timetable for introducing border controls. Please see more information here.
13 September 2021 Listen again
Joint Irish Government and UK Government webinar on Exporting Agri-Food Goods to GB from 1 October 2021
Watch a recording of the Joint Irish Government and UK Government webinar on Exporting Agri-Food Goods to GB from 1 October 2021 webinar. This webinar outlines the processes for moving agri-food products between EU and GB. Please note that the recording was accurate as of the time of recording – 9 September 2021. On 14 September 2021, the UK Government outlined a pragmatic new timetable for introducing border controls. Please see more information here.
9 September 2021 Listen again
Belgium Ports and BPDG Industry Day
Watch a recording of the Belgium Ports and BPDG Industry day. The webinar will provide practical details about moving goods between the EU and GB, highlighting technical issues and best practise at the Borders. This recording outlines the processes for moving agri-food products between the EU and GB, including the new GB import requirements. Please note that the recording was accurate as of the time of recording – 2 September 2021. On 14 September 2021, the UK Government outlined a pragmatic new timetable for introducing border controls. Please see more information hereBelgium Industry Day 2 September 2021 (PDF, 7.87MB, 104 pages).
2 September 2021 Listen again
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