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Updates and insights related to investment.

Personal Financial Planning Community

Personal Financial Planning (PFP) is an area in which ICAEW Chartered Accountants are able to use their skills and experience and trusted relationships to deliver complementary services and work with other professionals to help clients and their families manage their personal finances. This increasingly important area of professional advice typically involves aspects of lifetime cash-flow modelling, investments, pensions and retirement planning, tax and estate planning, probate and personal insurances.


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Updates and insights related to investment.

Step on or step up the property ladder

Members in practice, financial advisory, business and all of us in our private lives are impacted by decisions around mortgages. Jatin Patel (JP), Founding Partner in Kinnison Limited, unwraps the property market.

FIRE today, jam tomorrow?

The FIRE movement inspires a generation to live frugally, save hard and retire early – but what are the risks?