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Your local CPD programme is now available.

Upcoming courses

Ways to pay

Throughout 2024 you can purchase individual courses at a price of £99 + VAT. There is also a discount available for those ICAEW members who pay the low or half-rate ICAEW subscription. 

From June 2024 BBHSCA is introducing a new multiple booking discount scheme. For half-day courses taking place from June 2024, when booking 5 or more places, you will receive a 20% discount off the full price. Multiple bookings can be for a mix of courses and/or a mix of participants attending the same course(s).

Discounts are applied automatically at the time of booking and are valid for individuals booking more than one course and organisations booking multiple delegates or courses.

The multiple booking discount scheme is available to all irrespective of whether you are an ICAEW member. The multiple booking discount does not apply to ICAEW members who pay the low or half-rate ICAEW subscription as these prices are already discounted.

Discounted rate for 5 or more bookings £79.20 + VAT
ICAEW member/non-member (single booking) £99.00 + VAT
ICAEW member – low/half rate (single booking) £79.20 + VAT

If you need any further information, please contact kate.binks@bbhsca.org.uk

How to book

For event information or to book online using a credit or debit card, please click on the relevant course link above. For online booking support please visit icaew.com/events-support or call +44 (0)1908 248 159. Please have your ICAEW membership number (if applicable) to hand when calling.

Once we have received your booking and payment, we will send you a VAT receipt and joining instructions by email. The online booking facility closes at the start of the event. Transfers to other courses or to other delegates can be made anytime up until that time.

For live online courses, delegates will be sent details of how to pre-register, together with a link to the notes and/or slides, at least seven days prior to the start of the event or as part of the booking confirmation if booked within seven days of the start date. On receipt you must pre-register to receive your unique link to access the event.

These are live webinars and will not be recorded or available after the event date.

For physical courses, if you cannot attend you can transfer your place to another individual. Places can be transferred at any time, up to and including the day of the event.

Cancellations and late bookings

Cancellations received less than fourteen days before the event date will not be refunded. All cancellations must be made in writing to events.information@icaew.com If you cancel a course which benefits from the multiple booking discount you could lose the discount on all courses booked together. It is recommended you transfer to an alternative course, or the booking is transferred to an alternative delegate, to maintain the discount.

If we receive your booking less than seven days before a physical course, a set of the hardcopy notes may not be available on the day but can be forwarded by post after the course.

BBHSCA reserves the right to change the timing of the programme, the speakers, the date or the venue of the courses advertised. The content of individual courses may be subject to variation.

If BBHSCA has to cancel the event, our liability in the event of cancellation is limited to a full refund of the fee paid.

CPD course brochure 2024

Browse and book courses and conferences in our 2024 programme.
