ICAEW has a network of Contact Members around the world. Our Contact Members are your single point of contact for enquiries and act as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within your country.
Members in Australasia are invited to join one of the ICAEW Member Groups to keep up to date with regional events and networking opportunities. We also have seven Contact Members throughout Australasia who are your points of contact and can help with on-the-ground know-how. You can also speak directly with your Council Members.
Simon Townend is the Contact Member in The Bahamas. He is your single point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within The Bahamas.
Irshad Mahmood is the Contact Member in Bahrain. He is your single point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Bahrain.
Mustafa is the Contact Member for Bangladesh. He is your point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador promoting ICAEW strategy and brand within Bangladesh.
Michael Bynoe is the contact member in Barbados. He is your single point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Barbados.
Mohamed Osman is the Contact Member in Botswana. He is your point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Botswana.
David Bunce is the Contact Member in Brazil. He is your single point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Brazil.
John J. Greenwood is the Contact Member in The British Virgin Islands. He is your single point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within The British Virgin Islands.
There are four Contact Members for Canada. The following are your points of contact for members' enquiries and act as ambassadors in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Canada.
Carolyn du Toit is the Contact Member for Cayman Islands. She is your point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting ICAEW's strategy and brand within Cayman Islands.
Anthony Dawes is the Contact Members for Chile. He is your point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Chile.
There are two Contact Members for Greater China, appointed to help promote ICAEW's strategy and brand within the region. For enquiries around membership or student support, please get in touch with your local office, we have staff in Hong Kong SAR, Beijing and Shanghai.
There are two Contact Members in Cyprus. They are your points of contact for members' enquiries and act as ambassadors in promoting ICAEW's strategy and brand within Cyprus.
Roger Gascoigne is the Contact Member in the Czech Republic. He is your point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within the Czech Republic
Helene Dunbar is the Contact Member for Denmark. She is your single point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Denmark.
Alan Bromhead is the Contact Member in Ethiopia. He is your single point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Ethiopia.
Julia Seppä is the Contact Member for Finland. She is your point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Finland.
Jonathan Benford is the Contact Member for France. He is the point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within France.
Neville Anderson is the Contact Member in Germany. He is your single point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Germany.
Moe Cohen is the Contact Member in Gibraltar. He is your single point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Gibraltar.
Mr Alexis Hadjipavlou is the Contact Member in Greece. He is your single point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Greece.
Khalil Alli is the Contact Member in Guyana. He is your point of contact for members' enquiries and act as ambassadors in promoting ICAEW strategy and brand within Guyana.
Professor Judy Tsui is the Contact Member in Hong Kong SAR, appointed to help promote ICAEW's strategy and brand within the region. For enquiries around membership or student support, please get in touch with your local office, we have staff in Hong Kong SAR, Beijing and Shanghai.
There are two Contact Members in India. They are your point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within India.
Majid Mahallati is the Contact Member in Iran. He is your single point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Iran.
Janet Wright is the Contact Member for Ireland. She is your single point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Ireland.
David Krisman is the Contact Member in Israel. He is your single point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Israel.
David Crackett is the Contact Member in Italy. He is your single point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Italy.
Donald S. Reynolds is the Contact Member in Jamaica. He is your single point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Jamaica.
Ashley Clarke FCA is the Contact Member in Kazakhstan. He is your points of contact for member's enquiries and act as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Kazakhstan.
Zubair Patel FCA is the Contact Member for Kuwait. He is your point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Kuwait.
Steve is the Contact Member for Latvia and Lithuania. He is your point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador promoting ICAEW strategy and brand within Latvia and Lithuania.
Mervyn Martins, FCA is the Contact Member for Luxembourg. He is your single point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Luxembourg.
Shiraz Yusuf is the Contact Member for Malawi. He is your point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Malawi.
Chris Naudi is the Contact Member for Malta. He is your single point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Malta.
Panna Jhugroo is the Contact Member in Mauritius. He is your point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Mauritius.
Giuseppe Ambrosio is the Contact Member for Monaco. He is your point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Monaco.
Mr Abinash Pradhan ACA is the Contact Member for Nepal. He is a single point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Nepal.
Sanyade Okoli is the Contact Member for Nigeria. She is your point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Nigeria.
Owen Lewis is the Contact Member in Norway. He is your single point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Norway.
Khalid Ansari is the Contact Member in Oman. He is your single point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Oman.
This is your point of contact for members' enquiries for Pakistan. Our contact members also act as an ambassadors in promoting ICAEW's strategy and brand within their country.
Stephen Beach is the Contact Member in Papa New Guinea. He is your point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting ICAEW's strategy and brand within Papua New Guinea.
Piotr Dalak and Oliver Murphy are the Contact Members in Poland. They are your point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as ambassadors in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Poland.
Salim Suleman is the Contact Member for Qatar. He is your single point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Qatar.
Gabriela-Loredana Bratu is the Contact Member for Romania. She is your single point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Romania.
ICAEW has a number of Contact Members in Russia. They are your points of contact for members' enquiries and act as ambassadors in promoting ICAEW's strategy and brand within Russia.
Faheem Ejaz is the Contact Member for Jeddah. The point of contact for members' enquiries on living and working in Jeddah, Faheem works with ICAEW to promote our strategy and brand within Saudi Arabia.
Adnan Zakariya is the Contact Member for Riyadh. The point of contact for members' enquiries on living and working in Riyadh, Adnan works with ICAEW to promote our strategy and brand within Saudi Arabia.
Ernest Kan is the Contact Member in Singapore. He is your single point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Singapore.
Evita Nyandoro is the contact member in South Africa. They are your point of contact for members' enquiries and act as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within South Africa.
Jeff Singer is the Contact Member for Spain . He is your single point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Spain.
Jerome Chanmugam is the Contact Member in Sri Lanka. He is your single point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Sri Lanka.
Ben Wilson is the Contact Member for Sweden. He is your point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassadors in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Sweden.
Martin Kennard is the Contact Member for Switzerland. He is your point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as ambassadors in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Switzerland.
Susan is the contact member in Trinidad and Tobago. She is your point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting ICAEW strategy and brand within Trinidad and Tobago.
Neil French is the Contact Member in the Turks and Caicos Islands. He is your single point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within the Turks and Caicos Islands.
Samantha Musoke is the Contact Member in Uganda. She is your point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Uganda.
Gavin Aspden is the Contact Member for the United Arab Emirates He is your single point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within the United Arab Emirates.
Mark Millard is the Contact Member for Abu Dhabi. The point of contact for members' enquiries on living and working in Abu Dhabi, Mark works with ICAEW to promote our strategy and brand within United Arab Emirates.
There are eleven Contact Members in the United States. They are your point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within the United States.
Ian Lydall is the Contact Member in Vietnam. He is your point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Vietnam.
Bruce Beckley is the Contact Member in Zimbabwe. He is your single point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting ICAEW's strategy and brand within Zimbabwe.