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Shiraz Yusuf is the Contact Member for Malawi. He is your point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Malawi.

Contact member details

Amaryllis Mall, 2 Laws Road, PO Box 279, Blantyre, Malawi

Mr Shiraz Yusuf FCA

Shiraz is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and a holder of a Bachelor of Accounting and Finance honours degree from the University of Liverpool, United Kingdom.

Shiraz retired as the Country Managing Partner of EY Malawi in 2021 after a career with EY spanning 25 years as a Partner of the firm.

Shiraz continues to practice as a freelance consultant and is also a resident Practicing Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Malawi (ICAM).

He has more than 38 years of cumulative experience in all aspects of mergers & acquisitions, corporate finance, share valuation assignments, investment appraisals, exchange control advice, company incorporations and advice on general business conditions and the economic environment.

His client base ranges from private companies to multi-national companies and non-governmental organisations.

Shiraz’s continuous facilitation and participation in dialogue between foreign investors and government has seen approximately US$2bn of foreign direct investment into Malawi in recent years.


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