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Evita Nyandoro is the contact member in South Africa. They are your point of contact for members' enquiries and act as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within South Africa.

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Evita Nyandoro

Middle East and Africa Regulatory Reporting Head, Citi

Evita Nyandoro’s progress to her position as Citigroup’s regulatory reporting head for the Middle East and Africa saw her named in Accountancy South Africa’s 35 under 35 list of the industry’s top young professionals in 2015.

She passed her accountancy degree at Johannesburg’s Witwatersrand University with honours and then chose to study for her ACA with Deloitte. After completing her articles in 2010 she gained her first international working experience by transferring to the London office.

Nyandoro then moved across town to Santander’s London office as regulatory manager responsible for the provision of Basel III liquidity risk – but in 2013 the pull of her home continent proved irresistible.

Evita Nyandoroi

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