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Samantha Musoke is the Contact Member for Uganda. She is your point of contact for members' enquiries and acts as an ambassador in promoting the ICAEW's strategy and brand within Uganda.

Mrs Samantha Musoke ACA MA (Cantab) (neé Lankester)

 Project Director IFR4NPO, Humentum

Samantha is a passionate UK Chartered Accountant (ACA) and CPA(U) with 20+ years post-qualification experience in the non-profit sector in Uganda, as auditor, consultant, trainer, advisor, CFO and Board member.

Since July 2019, her role is Project Director for a collaboration between Humentum and the Chartered Institute of Public Finance & Accountancy, to develop INPAS, the International Non-Profit Accounting Standard (based on IFRS for SMEs).

Previous roles include auditing with Mazars and Carr Stanyer Sims; training delivery, training of trainers and training design with Humentum (formerly Mango); financial consultancy with Aclaim Africa Ltd for a variety of NPO clients across the continent, CFO for Uganda tourism company Adrift Ltd, Grant Management Advisor for VSO Uganda, Chief Financial Officer for Child’s i Foundation, Board Treasurer of two non-profit schools, and Regional Director East Africa for Humentum.

In addition to all aspects of financial management, her areas of interest include financial reporting & standard setting, audit, fraud, a fairer approach to paying for support costs, financial sustainability, and decolonization in the non-profit sector.

Sam is also active on LinkedIn. She holds a degree in Natural Sciences (Zoology) from Cambridge University, where she was also Organ Scholar for Christ’s College. She lives in Kampala with her husband and three teenage children, and hobbies include making their lifestyle more eco-friendly, choral singing and playing the piano.

Samantha Musoke

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