About us
The committee plans and organises member initiatives, networking events and discussions for members in Switzerland. These events provide an excellent opportunity to network with fellow ICAEW members.
The ICAEW members in Switzerland group is managed by a committee consisting of four elected members acting as officers and eight elected members.
The current office holders of the ICAEW members in Switzerland group are:
- Chairman: Ayoob Rawat
- Vice Chairman: Mark Kissack
- Secretary: Gavin Pell
- Treasurer: Tim Moss
The committee members are:
- Ayaz Hussain - Geneva Member
- Hellene Catchpole - Zurich Member
- Joanna Boyd - Zurich Member
- Laurence Burgess - Zurich Member
- Mark Hawkins - Geneva Member
- Martin Kennard - Zurich Member and Contact Member for Switzerland
- Robert O'Riordan - Geneva Member
- Sushil Premchand - Zurich Member
Members have been appointed to the Committee for a term of three years, after which the positions will be re-elected.
The group is also supported by non-committee members. Any member willing to volunteer their services are encouraged to join the LinkedIn and WhatsApp group and/or contact any member of the Committee through the group secretary.
Annual General Meeting
The ICAEW members in Switzerland group AGM will take place on 7 February 2018 in Geneva. There will be a video link to a Zurich venue.
Members are invited to join the Annual General Meeting of the ICAEW members in Switzerland group to review activities which have taken place over the past year and to elect the new committee.
This is your chance to share ideas, suggestions and opinions to influence what the group can offer in the year ahead. In Geneva, the formalities of the AGM will be followed by a panel discussion on not for profit, an important and diverse sector in Switzerland with a significant number of ICAEW members working in it. The same panel discussion event will take place in Zurich on 6 February.
For more information and to sign up to attend, please contact the Europe Region team or look out for your email invitation.
There is a LinkedIn group for ICAEW members in Switzerland. Get involved in the discussion and tell us what activity you’d like to see in Switzerland.
Terms of reference
Formally established on the 13 December 2016 and supported by ICAEW, the ICAEW members in Switzerland Group provides value to members living and working in Switzerland by:
- complementing and supporting the ICAEW office and staff in the Europe Region, with regard to activity in Switzerland, in delivering ICAEW strategic objectives;
- promoting awareness and understanding of the ICAEW Chartered Accountant qualification in Switzerland within business, practice and the public sector;
- offering social and business networking opportunities for ICAEW members in Switzerland, whether based there permanently or visiting;
- providing a forum for staff in the Europe Region, with regard to activity in Switzerland, and the UK by promoting the ideas and interests of members in Switzerland;
- supporting ICAEW students in Switzerland particularly at the point when they transit to membership; and
- promoting awareness of ICAEW member services in Switzerland and the support offered by the Chartered Accountants Benevolent Association (CABA).
A copy of the rules is available to any member. It will be posted on the Swiss ICAEW Linked-in Group and is available on demand from the group secretary.
Contact us
ICAEW has a Europe Region Office based in Brussels.