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ICAEW United States

Resources for ICAEW members living in or thinking of moving to the United States.
New York

Quarterly updates from your Council Members

International Council Members can communicate with members in their region through quarterly newsletters. Here you will find all the messages sent out during their current Council terms.
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Members in the United States


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CAW Network USA

ICAEW members who live in the US are entitled to join Chartered Accountants Worldwide Network USA.
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CAW Network

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If you'd like us to keep you updated with news and events in the USA, sign up here.
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Key resources

United States LinkedIn group

Join the United States Member Group on LinkedIn to network and discuss issues of professional interest with other members.
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image of a person holding a mobile phone.

Meet the team

Mary Simpson
Mary Simpson Director of International Member Engagement

Helen Windget
Helen Windget International Member Engagement Manager

Stuart Haiz
Stuart Haiz International Digital Communications Manager

Courtney Noble
Courtney Noble International Member Engagement Executive