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ICAEW Chartered Accountants Sheffield & District

We organise events for members, ranging from CPD courses to annual dinners, social events and discussion groups, as well as representing the interests of chartered accountants in the district to the wider business community. The Sheffield Institute of Accountants, established on 14 March 1877, was one of four founder bodies of ICAEW.

What's on offer

About us

SDSCA was originally for Chartered Accountants practising within twenty miles of Sheffield Town Hall, a definition which includes Chesterfield, Barnsley and Rotherham. Later, boundary lines were re-organised so that Doncaster, Worksop and Retford were also included. Our members come from accountancy practices small and large and from a range of business, public sector and Third Sector interests. The district society is deeply engaged in the development of the local economy and regards the promotion of the profession - especially among students - as a crucial part of its work.


View the latest ICAEW events in the region.

See events listing
CPD training

Courses in Audit and Assurance, Financial Reporting, Charity, Legal, Tax, Tech, etc, offered both as live sessions and on-demand recordings.

See upcoming courses
Support from caba

caba is the occupational charity helping the ICAEW community thrive through everyday situations to exceptional life-changing circumstances. You can contact them to access support and advice for physical, mental, legal and career challenges.


Meet the team

Image of Stratton Brock
Stratton Brock Chair

Joanne Lucking
Francesca Scotrick-Boyd Regional Engagement Executive