All Thames Valley members are invited to attend the AGM. The business will include:
- receiving the annual report from the ICAEW Thames Valley President, Paul Wagstaff;
- receiving the financial statements of the Society for the year ended 31 December 2021;
- announcing the names of officers and members elected to serve on the Main Committee of the Society and to the ICAEW Council.
- A copy of the accounts are available at under the key resources.
No members have brought before the AGM any motion not relating to the ordinary annual business of the Society by 1 March 2022 which is the date specified in the Constitution.
Any member unable to attend the AGM may request a proxy voting form from the Honorary Secretary Eric Kench c/o Emily Russell, Regional Executive, Thames Valley, ICAEW by e-mail or by phoning 07876 035 953.To be valid this proxy form must be returned to Eric Kench, c/o Emily Russell, no later than 17:00 on 14 May 2022 and must be signed by the member and include the member’s ICAEW membership number.
ICAEW Thames Valley Main Committee elections
Elected and co-opted members:
- Graeme Gordon
- Paul Davies
The above members will be retiring from the Main Committee and standing for re-election at the AGM on 30 May 2022 at 18:00:
Places must be booked in advance so please book using the link below. We look forward to seeing you then: