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The information in these webinars reflects the understanding of ICAEW at the time of recording but things may have changed since that time. You should consult the latest guidance alongside a viewing of these on-demand webinars.

On-demand webinars

Event Date Recording

A UK tax update for international ICAEW members
This session will bring you up to date with a range of practical tax issues likely to be relevant to UK ex-pats overseas and members of their family back in the UK. It will focus on personal and capital taxes and the practical things that you may need to do or advise family members to do to keep up to date and compliant with UK tax issues.

The webinar will cover a wide range of topics, but will include:

  • Summary of tax changes in the Autumn 2024 Budget.
  • Property income arising in the UK – where is MTD now and when (or if) we are likely to be affected as non-residents.
  • Reporting gains on disposals of UK residential property – practical issues, including clearing HMRC security.
  • Protecting pension rights in the UK – how to check and what you can do now.
  • Important changes to capital gains tax rules for divorcing couples.
  • Marriage allowance – advising older family members in the UK.
  • Problems with repayment claim companies – what to watch for.
28 Nov 2024 Watch again
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