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ICAEW Greater China

Resources for ICAEW members living in or thinking of moving to Greater China.

Territories in this region: Mainland China, Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR, Taiwan

Meet your Council and Contact Members

Pathways and Reciprocal programme

Hong Kong LinkedIn group

Join the Hong Kong Member Group on LinkedIn to network and discuss issues of professional interest with other members.
Join the group
image of a person holding a mobile phone.
Hong Kong harbour

Welcome to HK members’ insights

Giving you an inside look at the lives and careers of ICAEW members in Hong Kong. Apply to be an ICAEW member at icaew.com/8reasons
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Key resources

Receive invitations to events and news updates

If you'd like us to keep you updated with news and events in Greater China, sign up here.
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Click down below to browse all the upcoming and on-demand webinars on offer tailored to the Greater China region.
Find out more
Webinar meeting
Business Confidence Monitor

ICAEW Business Confidence Monitor

Quarterly reports on the economy which provide useful insight for finance professionals and their clients.
Read the report

Meet the teams

Hong Kong SAR office

Mary Simpson
Mary Simpson Director of International Member Engagement

Stacy Ho
Stacy Ho Senior Stakeholder and Membership Engagement Manager

Pic of Candice Tang
Candice Tang International Member and Insights Manager

Jolie Fok
Jolie Fok Digital Communications Manager

Duncan Whitmore
Duncan Whitmore Membership Engagement Executive

Shanghai office

Candice Yu
Candice Yu Head of China

Edward Wu
Edward Wu Senior Business Development Manager

Alicia Jiao
Alicia Jiao Senior Business Development Executive

Beijing office

Economia avatar
Florence Sun Senior Key Account Executive