It’s time invested in increasing my own knowledge
The preparation needed for a webinar presentation – and, increasingly, live events once more – is one certain way for me to make sure I understand the relevant subject matter. The time spent in preparing material for articles, webinars and live presentations is time invested in increasing my own knowledge. As well as providing a vehicle for my own continuing development, it enables me to make a modest contribution to the profession of which I am so proud to be a member. There is much to be gained, and very little to be lost, by sharing specialist knowledge with fellow chartered accountants.
Far from being a burden, my involvement with ICAEW is a source of pleasure and satisfaction. There is always a shortage of members wishing to participate. My advice is to join specialist groups – there is no better way of starting than to dive straight in and get involved. Volunteering can take as little, or as much, time as you are prepared to give. Do not be afraid to take that first step along the road of greater involvement with ICAEW.