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Pulling together opinion, analysis, interviews and features on the profession along with a focus on the key issues affecting accountancy and the world of business.

London Westminster

Election explainers

ICAEW experts offer simple guides to help understand the technical, economic jargon that will be at the heart of political debates in the coming weeks.
Read now

General election 2024

ICAEW outlined a range of policy recommendations for the next government in its manifesto. Stay up to date with how these key issues are developing in the run up to 4 July.

A listing of one-off Insights specials that focus on a particular subject, interviewing the key people, identifying developing trends and examining the underlying issues.


Private equity: is it here to stay?
Eugene's story
Ethical decision making and the challenges of AI
A recipe for growth

The opinions expressed by external guest speakers in interviews or other publications included on this website are, by their nature, those of the speaker. They are not necessarily fully endorsed by the ICAEW or purport to reflect the official policies and views of the ICAEW or its members.

Insights by topic