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Connect with us: ICAEW’s D&I social media campaigns

ICAEW’s social media team is here to listen to your needs and keep you updated on available support, particularly when it comes to Diversity and Inclusion.


In the D&I space, our social media team is here to connect with you.

In February 2020 at ICAEW we all collaborated on the LGBT+ history month campaign, led by social media. The campaign featured testimonials, interviews, poetry and Instagram stories.

Find out more about the collaborative LGBT+ history month campaign.

ICAEW’s social media team is also active in the 100 Years of Women in Chartered Accountancy project, in which we are celebrating the centenary of the first female chartered accountant in the world and member of ICAEW, Mary Harris Smith. 

Discover more about our 100 Years Instagram campaign by following #icaew100years, featuring bespoke drawings and quotes from female chartered accountants, going back through the past 100 years.

When it comes to Diversity and Inclusion, we are reaching out through our social media channels to engage with what matters to you, in order to share insights and resources. Follow hashtag #icaewDiversity on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or Twitter to get involved and see what else we do in this space.

Stay informed, get involved and connect with us on the following platforms:

LinkedIn Company 
LinkedIn Alumni


Women in tech

Find out more about ICAEW's pledge to get more women in technology roles.

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