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UK international trade

31 January 2020: ICAEW chart of the month

Chart showing the value of UK imports and exports (respectively) with each of the following groups: the EU, the EFTA, the USA, 'Other Americas', Asia-Pacific and 'Other countries'.

January 2020. Chart research by Martin Wheatcroft FCA, design by Sunday. Source: ONS, 'UK total trade: imports and exports of goods and services in the year to 30 September 2019'. © ICAEW 2020.


Correction: The original version of this graphic did not proportionately reflect the data contained within it. The above version has been amended so that it is now a true reflection of the data it represents.

International trade is our topic for the #icaewchartofthemonth, with £718bn in imports and £673bn in exports in the year to 30 September 2019 being important contributors to the economy of the UK.

As the UK Government starts to negotiate new trade arrangements with countries around the world, the EU will be the highest priority. Imports into the UK of £369bn represent 51% of total imports and exports to the 27 EU countries of £297bn are 44% of total exports. This is followed by the USA, where imports of £87bn and exports of £133bn represent 12% and 20% respectively.

Trade relationships with countries in the Asia-Pacific region will also be very important, in particular China (imports £60bn and exports £39bn), Japan (£17bn and £15bn) and the 10-country Association of South East Asian Nations (£22bn and £19bn).

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