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ICAEW Insights podcast

Economic crime, Russia/Ukraine and the Spring Statement

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On the latest ICAEW Insights podcast, we look at the fight to remove Russian economic criminals from the UK, and whether the Spring Statement does enough to address current economic pressures.

On the latest ICAEW Insights podcast, we look at the fight to remove Russian economic criminals from the UK, and whether the Spring Statement does enough to address current economic pressures.

The horrific situation in Ukraine has had wide-ranging impacts and implications across the world, not least the fight against economic crime. 

In the UK, this is a huge undertaking. Will the new Economic Crime Act make a difference? Solicitor and economic crime specialist Matt Corn discusses the climate for economic crime in the UK and how the new Act will work in the context of existing UK law.

Last week, the Chancellor Rishi Sunak delivered his Spring Statement with expectations high for measures to lessen the pain of inflation, rising energy and fuel costs, and the larger cost of living crisis. Did he do enough?

Frank Haskew, Head of Taxation Strategy, Tax for ICAEW, analyses the Chancellor’s decisions and discusses the implications of high inflation.

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All views expressed on this podcast are those of the contributors and don’t necessarily reflect those of ICAEW or its members.

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