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Accountancy Insights: behind the numbers

Why are female-led startups so underfunded?

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accountancy insights podcast behind the numbers padding

In this episode of Behind the Numbers, we discuss gender inequality in investment.

Women continue to be underrepresented in venture capital, particularly at senior levels. The scales are even less balanced for female founders, who received just 2% of venture capital funding in recent years. As the new government puts productivity and growth at the top of its national agenda, how do we get things moving?

Philippa Lamb is joined by entrepreneur and chartered accountant Tanuvi Ethunandan; Helen Burnell, Partner at law firm Shoosmiths; and Suzi Gillespie, Head of Research at the British Private Equity & Venture Capital Association.

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You can read the full transcript of this episode here



Philippa Lamb


  • Tanuvi Ethunandan, entrepreneur and product manager
  • Helen Burnell, Partner, Shoosmiths
  • Suzi Gillespie, Head of Research, British Private Equity & Venture Capital Association


Natalie Chisholm

Episode first published: 2 August 2024
Podcast recorded: 26 July 2024

All views expressed on this podcast are those of the contributors and don’t necessarily reflect those of ICAEW or its members.

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