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Closing the rule book on old methods – how to make advisory as natural as compliance

SPONSORED CONTENT: Client needs have significantly evolved over the past few years. First, it was a shift to the digital age with Making Tax Digital, then uncertainty brought on by Brexit, followed by a global pandemic. Many of our customers have seen an increase in demand for their client advice, real-time information and quick access to data.

While there has been a notable increase in demand for services that could be packaged and charged as advisory services, the shift from compliance to advisory has been slower than many had envisaged. 

How could that be? Put simply, they don’t have the tools or processes to support the change to advisory, nor do they have a strategy to make a start.  

Download this article from Wolters Kluwer to find out how you can make advisory as natural for your practice as compliance.

You will find out: 

  • the art of segmenting your clients
  • what layers of advisory services you can build into your practice
  • what tools you will need

This is a must-read article for any practice looking for a practical guide to turn your advisory vision into reality. 

Access the article

To download the article from Wolters Kluwer, please fill out the form below.

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