The journey so far
My ACA journey
A few weeks into her new job as an audit trainee, ACA student Ashwini Poopalasingham tells us about her decision to go into accountancy, and her story so far.
My ACA journey – the first exams
Audit trainee and ACA student Ashwini Poopalasingham has faced her first Certificate Level exams – and admits that the experience was a huge wake-up call.
My ACA journey – the learning curve
For audit trainee and ACA student Ashwini Poopalasingham, studying for and sitting her third Certificate Level exam turns out to be a far more positive experience.
My ACA Journey: Professional Level exams
Almost a year into her training journey, ACA student and audit trainee Ashwini Poopalasingham tells us how she’s finding the step up to Professional Level.
My ACA journey: the first year
As ACA student Ashwini Poopalasingham looks back over her first year of training, she reflects on 10 of the most important things she’s learned.
My ACA Journey: the halfway point
Now 18 months into her training agreement, Ashwini Poopalasingham has completed 10 of her 15 exams and the Ethics Learning Programme.
My ACA Journey: practising resilience
Having faced her biggest exam challenge yet, Ashwini Poopalasingham shares what she’s learned about looking after herself – and the importance of having a strong support network.
My ACA Journey: meet Ashwini Poopalasingham
We meet Ashwini for coffee to discuss the challenges and rewards of the ACA qualification, strategies for maintaining a work-life balance, and future career goals.
My ACA Journey: the home straight
As she prepares for her first Advanced Level exams, Ashwini Poopalasingham looks back at everything she’s learned so far, and forwards to life after the qualification.
My ACA Journey: the finish line
After three years of hard work, Ashwini Poopalasingham is delighted to have reached the milestone of becoming exam qualified.