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Skills for Success: 5 tips for managing your time

Author: ICAEW Insights

Published: 26 Jun 2024

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Juggling work, studying and exams can sometimes be challenging. Take a new approach and boost your efficiency with our strategies for effective time management.

1. Plan and prioritise

There will be times when work comes first, and times when studying is more important. Whether you prefer a paper planner or an app, put together a detailed schedule of tasks and deadlines to help assess what is most urgent. Get into the habit of updating your to-do list at the start of each day with your tasks in priority order – being able to tick them off as you go will give a sense of accomplishment and can help keep you motivated.

2. Learn your routine

We all have certain times of day when we’re more alert and efficient, and it can be really useful to learn your patterns of productivity. Are you a morning person, or do you have a burst of energy in the evening? Identifying which times are most productive for you can help you use the whole day more effectively. Try keeping a time log for the week to see how you currently spend your time and when you’re best at completing certain tasks.

3. Avoid procrastinating

It’s easy to lose focus, especially when you’re dealing with a difficult task – and never more so than when working and studying from home, where you’re surrounded by all sorts of temptations. Stick to your schedule, and minimise distractions when you really need to concentrate. Shut yourself away, if you can, ensure your workspace is clutter-free, and silence notifications or switch off your phone.

4. Take frequent breaks

Part of staying focused and motivated is giving yourself a break, so plan downtime into your work and study schedule. Try the Pomodoro technique, where you work solidly for a timed 25 minutes, then take a five-minute break. The theory is that you’ll make more concentrated progress when you know a break is coming. Make the most of those breaks, too: stand up and stretch, take a quick walk or make a coffee before settling down again.

5. Practise saying no

Saying no can be difficult, but it’s crucial to prevent stress and protect your physical and mental health. Plan ahead: let colleagues and managers know when you’ve got busy periods coming up and prioritise accordingly. Delegate to others where possible, too – it will not only free up your time, but also help them feel like they’re contributing effectively.

Professional development is one of four parts of the ACA. Our professional development ladders prepare you to successfully handle different situations that you’ll encounter throughout your career.

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