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Help HMRC improve the corporate interest restriction return


Published: 30 Mar 2021 Update History

Are you an agent with experience of the corporate interest restriction return? HMRC would appreciate your feedback on its new digital service.

The corporate interest restriction (CIR) applies to corporate entities and aims to restrict a group’s deductions for interest expense and other financing costs for corporation tax purposes.

Following feedback from users of the existing CIR online form, HMRC is building a new digital service. Can you help HMRC to develop this service?

If all the following statements apply to you, HMRC has said that it would be very helpful if its researchers could talk to you and show you the latest prototype:

  • I have personally prepared or submitted a CIR return in the past two years.
  • My firm submits three or fewer CIR returns per year.
  • I have not participated in any research with HMRC in the past three months.

The research will take place by way of interviews on the 12 and 13 of April with further sessions available later in May and June.

Sign up to talk to HMRC’s researchers through Help make GOV.UK better.

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