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Highlights from the broader tax news for the two weeks ending 24 August 2022, including: a request for volunteers to test new ASA functionality; data requests and discrepancy reporting for trusts; and service issues affecting corporation tax.

Volunteers needed to test new ASA functionality

HMRC is expecting to start private beta testing for the manage access groups functionality (also known as granular permissions) in the agent services account (ASA) by mid-September. This service will allow agents to control which members of staff have access to which clients in the ASA and will provide a client list. HMRC is looking for participants to take part in testing before it releases the functionality more widely. If you have staff who access the ASA, fewer than 1,000 clients and are interested in being part of the testing, please contact Private beta release - granular permissions stating your firm name and agent reference number. Caroline.miskin@icaew.com is interested in feedback on the new service.

Trusts – data requests and discrepancy reporting

Information on how to report that beneficial owners may be at a disproportionate risk of harm has been added to the following pages.

Register a trust as a trustee - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Register a trust as an agent - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Manage your trust's details - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Reports are made by email to trs.riskofharm@hmrc.gov.uk

Forms to request trust data and to report discrepancies will be available from 1 September 2022.

HMRC service issues affecting corporation tax

Owing to HMRC service issues, various claims and other actions are currently restricted, or additional information needs to be provided in support of them. These include: 

  • annual investment allowance claims in excess of £200,000;
  • loan to participator charges at the new rate of 33.75% applicable from 6 April 2022;
  • research and development (R&D) enhanced expenditure claims (but not SME payable tax credit or research and development expenditure credit (RDEC)) for accounting periods beginning on or after 1 April 2022; and
  • companies claiming both RDEC and reporting income tax deducted from profits.

HMRC states that these issues will be resolved from 16 September 2022 so that returns can be filed including these charges and claims. HMRC will accept paper returns where there is an urgent need to file returns with the R&D-related claims. For information on how to do to this, see HMRC’s service issues page.

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