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Highlights from the broader tax news for the week ending 7 December 2022, including: the van benefit and fuel benefit for cars and vans figures from 6 April 2023; and the Administrative Burdens Advisory Board annual report.

Van benefit and fuel benefit for cars and vans

The van benefit charge and fuel benefit charges for cars and vans will be uprated by the consumer price index from 6 April 2023. The uprate will take effect as follows:

  • the van benefit charge will increase from £3,600 to £3,960;
  • the car fuel benefit charge multiplier will increase from £25,300 to £27,800; and
  • the van fuel benefit charge will increase from £688 to £757.

ABAB annual report

The Administrative Burdens Advisory Board (ABAB) has released its 2022 annual report, setting out its concerns and suggestions. Among these, it makes a case for delaying the introduction of Making Tax Digital for income tax by at least a year, to give increased time for testing and identifying areas of complexity for taxpayers. Additionally, the report highlights the increased compliance burdens created by basis period reform and the extension of the off-payroll working rules. Areas of HMRC improvement, particularly in the customer experience space, are also explored.

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